Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Busy Busy

Well I am living up to my reputation. Negotiating how my time is spent is particularly challenging at this time of year and I am trying my best to keep up with everything. This past Saturday I had a doctor's appointment at 830am, house chores and laundry, an ultimate game in Holly Springs at 2pm, attended a Christmas party with my friends parents in Durham from 5-7, attended a game night with some ultimate coed teammates from 8-10 in N. Raleigh, and was supposed to go to a cocktail but by the time I got back to my house I just didn't have it in me don cocktail attire and pull together a dish and beverage to contribute. Instead I went downtown and spent some much needed quality girl time with my best friend Shelby and some other fine ladies. And that was just Saturday.

So to rewind a bit. Thanksgiving was wonderful. With each year, it becomes more precious than the last. It is a time of year where I set obligation aside.. rest.. and come back to the things that truly matter. I always end up reflecting on where i've been and what i've done since the last November. The family, the food, the Manhattans, the vegetation is absolutely essential for my soul.

I passed all my classes. My talk to the department went well. I've never worked harder or been stressed more in my entire life. I've grown more as an adult and as a professional than any period in my entire life. I'm in deep, and I love it. Without describing details you will probably glaze over, things are falling into place (and because everyone keeps asking me) after working my tail off this upcoming summer, I hope to be graduated this time next year. At this point I have been at sea 78 days since February of 2008 and tack on an extra 10 days or so in port and in transit and you can see how it might take me a little longer than the typical 2 year masters degree.

46 days until I leave for the next Antarctic cruise.. lots of work to be done but i'm very excited.

Will update more soon.. I am late to something as I write this.

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